
Jerry Hamilton

November 2, 2018

Jerry Hamilton is a Professional/Authorized Safety Instructor with over forty years of experience in safety and environmental compliance aspects of the Appalachian Basin coal and oil and gas industries.  Additional experience in site construction and reclamation, engineering and planning, operations management, drilling, completion, production, and midstream operation of coalbed methane, shallow conventional, and horizontal shale wells throughout Appalachia provide Jerry the tools needed to be a very effective safety and environmental professional. 

Jerry’s vast knowledge and experience is essential in supervising, administering, and instructing of Gas Field Services’ safety and environmental programs. Jerry serves as our main point of contact for our customers on all safety and environmental related training and places a great deal of emphasis on incident prevention and employee ownership and accountability. Please contact Jerry at the following e-mail address if you desire to learn more about the Gas Field Services safety and compliance culture.